Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No Jesus = No Life

Yesterday, my daughter told me about one of her friends who is an atheist. She has been friends with this fellow for a few years now, and his beliefs – or rather, lack there of – had never really been an issue between the two of them.

Apparently, her friend’s girlfriend broke up with him last week and stated that one of the main reasons for the break-up was because he didn’t believe in God. It turns out, he not only doesn’t believe in God, but he believes that anyone who does believe in God is weak.

Now, my daughter will put up with a lot. She respects other people’s opinions and views – even if they differ from her own – but, his stating that anyone who believes in God is weak really set her off.

When I listened to her story and how their argument went, I can completely understand her frustration. Like me, she cannot understand how anyone can not believe in God. For someone to live without God – well, it really is synonymous with being in hell, because that is the definition of hell! Like Pope John Paul II said (almost exactly 10 years ago), “The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God. Rather than a place, Hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy”.

So, basically, if you don’t believe in God and you remove yourself from Him – you’re in hell. Blammo.

Honestly, I feel sorry for my daughter’s friend. I pray that his eyes will be opened and his heart will welcome God to reside within him. How can anyone truly be happy and joyful when God is not in their lives?

He says that there is no proof that God exists. My daughter told him that it isn’t about proof, it’s about faith. If you have faith, you will have proof! Frankly, in my opinion, it seems that the proof is right in front of him, because according to my daughter, her friend is not happy or joyful. He suffers from depression. He tends to abuse alcohol. He lives a life that feels empty. Is it any wonder? He is missing the key element to life! His soul is empty! If only he would see how full his life could be if he just opened his eyes and accepted God!

How can they live without Jesus? How can they live without God's love? How can they feel so at home down here, when there's so much more up above? Throwing away the things that matter, they hold onto things that don't. The world has gone crazy, but soon maybe, a lot more are going to know. ~ "How Can They Live Without Jesus?" by Keith Green (No Compromise, 1978)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, not always, people like your daughter's friend are hurting. His depression and alcohol abuse is evidence. Not having any experience with God and/or feeling unworthy of love they believe He must not exist.

    Intellectuals are others who have a problem with His existence. But even then our world is so ordered it demonstrates a Divine Hand is at work. The best thing your daughter can do, and the rest of us, is pray. Offer up rosaries and little works for these souls. She should be able to say to him, she respects his right to believe as he chooses, but he should respect her faith just the same. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy would be a good choice in praying for this young man. God bless you and yours!
